We have reached the limit on the number of reunion attendees that can be accommodated NEW REGISTRATIONS WILL BE PLACE ON STANDBY LIST We are guaranteed a maximum of 30 rooms at the special reunion rate at the Marriot; some additional rooms may be available at full rate or at nearby hotels (Comfort Inn and Marriot Courtyard) Limits to available tables for banquet and event transportation require limiting to a maximum of 65 attendees (including family members) Limits have been reached, Association members registering will be placed on a standby listing and will be notified if a space becomes available. Historically we have had a few last minute cancelations. Standby attendees will not be expected to pay reunion fees until notified. Please use the Reunion Registration Form
(link is below) to notify the Reunion Committee of your attendance plans and requirements. A package deal was negotiated with the hotel which resulted in a reduced room rate if we also booked our hospitality room with the hotel. The registration fee must be mailed no later than
29 August 2013.
Early registration will greatly aid us in preparing for the 2013 Reunion. Any
registration fees paid after
(date to be determined)
cannot guarantee a hat &shirt will be included. These are special order items which
must be ordered early by the reunion committee. Banquet at Hotel Lunch Naval Weapons Station Bus Tour of Charleston Citadel Dress Parade Citadel-Furman Football Game Tour of Naval Weapons Station Hospitality Room Reunion Memorabilia Transportation to All Functions
Charles Steinert Charleston, SC 29407 843-556-7622 Select Tour Information below to view arranged tours.
Tiru Home Page
Reunion Home Page