** Reunion Gazette **

16 Feb 08: Message from Bill Stallings:

Hello Shipmates.....Good to hear from you. As an IC2, I served aboard the Tiru from June '58 - May '59. My first duty was on the USS Stickleback (SS415), 'til its ill-fated dive in May '58.  I was the first black member of either crew. I'm wondering if you are in contact with anyone who served during my time ('58 - '59). I am in Detroit, Mi, and would love to make the reunion, but not if I don't know anyone........Bill Stallings, alias: "Cool Breeze"
 (send replies to webmaster(at)usstiru.org and they will be forwarded)

16 Jan 08: Registrations open for 2008 Reunion.

15 Jan 08:  Reunion information posted on www.usstiru.org

18 Aug 07: Glenn Reed elected 2008 Reunion Coordinator.

10 Sep 05: Glenn & Patt Reed offered to host 2008 reunion in Upstate New York

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