Tiru Maru
October 2005

Editor: USS Tiru (SS416) Association Secretary, Joe Hedgepeth


of 18 October 2005


The 2006 TIRU Reunion will be held from the 17th to 20th of August 2006 in Silverdale (Bremerton) Washington. The details are posted on the TIRU website, www.usstiru.org, in the 2006 Reunion section. This looks to be a great one. We are expecting many new faces from all those shipmates that have been saying, “We’ll be there when you have a west coast reunion”. Reunion registration may be made on the website, by fax, by email, or by postal mail. If you do not have Internet access please call and we will fax or mail you the registration form, schedule of events, and hotel information.

Sandra & Earle Smith, 2006 USS Tiru Reunion Coordinator
7169 SW Dunraven Lane, Port Orchard, WA, 98367
(360) 876-0255, fax: (360) 876-0257


The 2005 TIRU Reunion was held in Groton, Connecticut in September. Many thanks to Ginny & Bill Fatek on hosting such an outstanding event. One of the highlights of the reunion was seeing Captain Cobean again; his crew talk reminded us what it means to be submariners. We very much appreciated having two TIRU widows, Mrs. Edna DiNola and Mrs. Helen Stone, attend the reunion. As the banquet guest speaker, Mrs. DiNola’s (USS Thresher widow) discussed her time spent in the Soviet Union with Russian submarine widows who had also lost their husbands at sea. The reunion photos are posted on the TIRU website and can be accessed either from the Photo section or the 2005 Reunion section.


We have been sending newsletter mailing by postal service to Shipmates for which we do not have an email address. If you know of any additions for this list, please send addresses to news(at)usstiru.org.

The email version of the newsletter is purposely lacking graphics and links in hopes that it will not be considered emailspam by other mail programs.

Please let us know if you change your email address. If you received this newsletter by postal mail it means that we do not have a good email address for you.

Senior Editor: Joe Hedgepeth, secretary(at)usstiru.org

USS TIRU SS416 WEBSITE NEWS: www.usstiru.org

The website now has approximately 400 pages and we averaged 48 visits (1841 hits) per day for the month of September. Without your help, it is difficult to audit the site for bad links and errors. If any are noted please email to the webmaster. Thanks for those who have sent in suggestions and comments.

The following sections of TIRU's website have recently been updated:

2006 Reunion: new section.

History: chronological and engineering section completely revised.

Shipmates: Close to 200 have registered as shipmates and over 1600 total shipmates are listed in our database. We now have a definitive listing of enlisted crew members from commissioning to 31 December 1971.

Photos: new photos – 2005 reunion, 50’s local ops and 55 westpac, 2005 Lost boat ceremony, 51 to 54 Pacific, 62 Westpac, $ 63 Westpac (movie)

News: new inquiries & greetings, see the Website News section for up-to-date additions to TIRU’s website.

Special thanks this month to:

Photos & Movie:

Jim Olivis for ‘63 movie; Lee Kaupke for ‘55 photos; Bernie Eccarius for ‘55 photos; Tom Lambertson for ‘51-‘54 photos; Tom Scott for ‘70 photos; Larry Page for ‘62 photos; Bob Cushman for ’50 photos; Glenn Reed for ’69 & ’70 photos;

2005 Reunion Photos: (Belinda, Chaves, Mandrino, Fatek, Booth, Trujillo, Dexter, Norris, Sharon, Varner, Mennel).


Jim Sharon (newspaper articles); Rudy Myers (oral history); Charles Davis (oral history);Larry Page (oral history); Pete Merrill (commentary); Barry Quinn (oral history); Bob Cushman (engineering history); Bruce Murphy (chronological history), Tom Scott (chronological history); Donna Booth (microfilm transcription)


If you have registered and have not received a reply please try again or send email to webmaster. You should get an acknowledgement within one to three days if everything is working correctly. Continuing to have problems with email to AOL members due to its emailspam control.


The Daubenspeck's have starting what is called a listserv for Tiru shipmates. With this you use one email and it will go out to all members on the list. If you want on the listserv, send your email to tiru416(at)bellsouth.net and ask to be put on the listserv. No one can use this email address unless they are on the list.

Webmaster: Dave Booth, webmaster(at)usstiru.org


A Crew’s meeting was held at the 2005 Reunion. The Treasurer’s report was presented and approved. Earle Smith was appointed to coordinate the organization of the 2006 reunion. A nomination committee for the 2006 association officer election was appointed: Charles Steinert, Wayne Winans, Lou House, & Dave Booth. Please contact them if you have any recommendation for the 2006-7 association officers. The minutes and financial report are posted in the restricted section of TIRU’s website. If you do not have Internet access and wish a mailed copy, contact the association president.

Shipmates Deceased during period 1 January 2005 to date:

Russell Caswell (September)

William Cernich (March),

Captain Patrick Gray (July)

Jack Jarvies (January)

William Ummel (September)

(see Memorial section of website for obituaries)

Association President: Charles Steinert president(at)usstiru.org.

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