Tiru Maru
March 2004

We, the 2004 Tiru Reunion coordinators, have scheduled what we believe to be the best reunion available to any submarine sailor who ever walked across the brow of the USS Tiru and called her home since her beginning at Mare Island. The secret of planning a great reunion is listening to the desires of the crew, observing their likes and dislikes, weighing all options, creating a plan, having a vision, scheduling attainable goals, taking the appropriate actions and evaluating the final result. We have done nothing of the sort. What we have done is ask you all to trust us, show up in Manitowoc, WI and be prepared to have a great time. We have added a special event for Fri. evening the 3rd after the Memorial Service. When we return to the Hospitality Room at the motel, it will be Crazy Hat night. Each man and woman should show up wearing the wildest and craziest hat you can come up with. There will be a contest to see who will win. There will be a man's and woman's division and prizes will be awarded to the winners. Due to the betterment of discretion, please keep vulgarity to a minimum. The true success of a reunion is PARTICIPATION. How can we be successful without you being there? So you are the key element of our reunion. Don't be left standing on the dock when the USS Tiru, again, sets sail on another one of her fantastic reunion cruises into the annals of history. Come help us set the Maneuvering Watch and Rig the Ship for Dive as we ply the icy waters of Lake Michigan in Manitowoc, WI. Further Reunion info will be provided as details are completed. So are you going to sit at home and dream of how it was or be there and experience reality firsthand? We hope you decide to join us in Manitowoc, WI. in September.
Dick "Murph" Murphy and Frank Mennel, 2004 USS Tiru Reunion Coordinators
murphy(at)usstiru.com mennel(at)usstiru.com


The following sections of Tiru's website have recently been updated:
2004 Reunion: new photos, on-site inspection report, and attendees list.
History: added oral history, engineering history, and CO's biography.
Shipmates: over 70 registered shipmates and over 500 total shipmates listed.
Memorial: new section
Association: new section
Photos: many photos added to 1969 - 1979 era and to 1940's era.
Miscellaneous: a couple of new pages.
News: completely revised; added section for use by shipmates to post inquiries or greetings to other shipmates.

Special thanks to:
Mancel May for 1949 crew list and newspaper articles & photos of launching and commissioning.
Bill Dexter for 1955 crew list.
Larry Stanley for Hunter's Point photo and Panama Canal photos.
Jack Stevens for Guppy III conversions newspaper articles and photos (will be posted next week).
Don Mandrino for crew photos of South American deployment.

Planned Additions:
a. Addition Crew Listings: in process of obtaining Tiru muster list from the Navy archives. These will be in 16 mm film format. The muster lists are available up to 1970 (after 1970 they are not released as they contain social security numbers). We have ordered only the first 5 of 18 rolls to be sure we can work with the format.
b. Many crew members are sending photos and documents for inclusions on the web site.
c. Chronological History section is being revised.
d. Historical Tiru photos have been ordered from the Navy Historical Section.

Need inputs from shipmates on: (send to webmaster(at)usstiru.com)
a. History - additions and correction on both chronological and engineering. Especially need oral history inputs.
b. Shipmate Listing - any information on shipmates listed with an asterisk before name.
c. Memorial Section - names (and obituaries if available) of any deceased shipmates.
d. Photos - pre 1969 photos.
e. General - comments and suggestions about the website.

If you have registered and have not received a reply please try again or send email to webmaster. You should get an acknowledgement within one to three days if everything is working correctly.

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