Tiru Maru
February 2020

15 February 2020

2020 Tiru Reunion Coordinator Notes:
For 2020 the reunion will be held in Sacramento California. This year’s gathering is being sponsored by Fred Flint and Judy Frowein. The reunion is scheduled for September 7 - September 11. We will be staying at the Holiday Inn, Downtown Sacramento. Tentative plans include a visit to the Crocker Museum, an optional Wine Tour and our memorial service at the Viet Nam Memorial on the capitol grounds. Please refer to the Tiru website: http://usstiru.org/ or our Facebook Group:USS Tiru Crew Association for the latest 2020 reunion details. In addition, there will be plenty of time for crew members to take advantage of old Sacramento shopping, eateries located close to the hotel.
For More Information on Sacramento, local activities and other things of interest in the area, log into the Sacramento Tourist Center at: www.visitsacramento.com / visit the 2020 Reunion section of the Tiru Website for links to Sacramento things to do.

Fred Flint
fflint@usstiru.org (email)
6638 Badger Ct,
Sacramento, CA, 95841
(916) 768-3534

Secretary Notes:
We have been sending newsletter mailing by postal service to shipmate for which we do not have an email address. If you know of any crewmembers that have an email address and are not receiving these notes electronically, please send us their e-mail addresses:

Frank Mennel
729 Telya Ridge
Milford, Mi, 48381

Please let us know if you have changed your email address. If you received this letter by postal mail, it means that we do not have a valid email address for you or your server may have considered our newsletter as spam. In addition, if you had not used e-mail in the past but are now doing so. Please provide us with your e-mail address if you wish to receive future correspondence electronically.
Senior Editor: Larry Standlee, secretary@usstiru.org.

Web Site Notes:

The website is currently undergoing a major overhaul. Long story short, some software that had been used in the past for our site is no longer supported on our server. In addition, the webmaster is changing from Dave Booth to Frank Mennel. Dave has stepped aside for personal reasons. I have accepted the responsibilities and in the process of learning the new software package being used to rebuild the site. The new site will follow the basic layout of the work Dave has done in the past. There will be some visual differences and I hope to have the site more compatible with portable devices. I’m also planning to add a link to group site Facebook for those that use that application. I will also look at Instagram and investigate creating a Tiru group and linkage for that application as well.

If you have registered and have not received a reply, please try again or send an email to the webmaster. You should get an acknowledgement in one to three days. We continue to have problems with our emails due to spam control on some computers.

Webmaster: Frank Mennel, webmaster@usstiru.org.

Treasurer /Chaplin Notes:

The 2018 and 2019 financial reports have not yet been posted on the Tiru website. This will be corrected as the website update progresses. It is normally posted in the ASSOCIATION section of the Tiru website for registered members to review. Both reports have been presented at the corresponding reunions. If you desire a copy of the report, it can be obtained by contacting the association treasurer. We continue to be a dues- free organization.

Shipmates known to have deceased 1 January 2018 to date:
• Lawrence Robert Day
• William Earle Smith
• John Howell
• Randy Hefley
• Earl DeWispelaere (Capt. 1965-1967)
• Arthur Steinke
• Douglas Mehlhaff
• Charles Fury

If you are aware of deceased crewmembers from this time period we missed, please let us know

President’s Notes:
For 2019 we had a great reunion in Seneca New York. Don Mandrino and Cheryl Gallagher sponsored the reunion. Our thanks to them for the hard work and planning that went into such a successful event. We toured the local wine country and had lunch at one of the wineries. There was an optional visit to the Corning Glass museum in Corning New York.

2019 USS Tiru Reunion Attendees – Welcome Center

This year’s Reunion looks to be a good time. Sacramento is new location for us and offers a variety of activities during unscheduled event times and will offer an opportunity for crew members from the western states to join us and renew old friendships. As always the best part of the reunion is always the hospitality room, being the crew and seeing how our sea stories evolve. I hope to see you in Sacramento

Finally, we have elected new officers for the association. After years of service to our group, Bill Fatek and Dave Booth have decided to step down. Their dedication and work has been key to the success of this association. The new association officers are:

Frank Mennel: President (president@usstiru.com) / Webmaster (webmaster@usstiru.org)
Gary Grimes: Vice President (vice-president@usstiru.com)
Larry Standlee: Secretary (secretary@usstiru.com)
Richard Murphy: (treasurer@usstiru.com)
Bill Fatek will Join Charjes Stienert as association advisers.

If anyone has any comments that you would like to pass along, I (Frank Mennel) can be reached on my cell at (313) 520-3939 or by mail:

Frank Mennel
729 Telya Ridge
Milford, Mi, 48381

Association President: Frank Mennel, president@usstiru.com

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