When your final
dive is made, and your battery's running
low, you'll know there lies a boat
for you many fathoms
here below, with your
annunciators jammed on full and
your depth gauge needles bent
your accumulators dry of
oil and your air banks are
all spent. It's then you get to
wonderin` "is my life's boat
rigged for dive?" Your guessing
drill commences, "Am I dead
or still alive?"
You pace the flooded decks
with scorn and curse the
flaws of man. Into the realms
of Rex you've stepped, and
here you'll make your stand
to live your life as Sailors
must at the bottom of the
There's one you'll have to
reckon, that one my friend,
is thee. Will your conscience
do you justice when the final
muster's in? Did you lead
the kind of life you should in
every port you've been? The
answers to these questions and
many, many more are locked in
the hearts of sailormen
from Cannes to Singapore.
So, when your day for mast
rolls around the choice is up
to you, Sailor chart your
course of life right now, chart it
straight and true. Now's the
time to flood your tanks and
trim up fore and aft. It's a
trifle late when the klaxon
sounds to square away your
craft. So, be ready when the
last word's passed.
"Sailor, Rest Your Oar."